The Hour of Trial

Though we believe the first resurrection will take place before the tribulation, this doesn’t mean persecution isn’t coming. In fact, scripture speaks of a time when believers will be persecuted and even martyred for the Faith. Yet, Philadelphia is still promised to...

This Little Light of Mine

While doing all we can to be separate from the world, we are still called to be a light to the world. So how do we balance this task of being set apart from that which we are called to reach? Steve addressed that very topic in this message presented at the Raising Up...


Prayer is a topic that could be ministered on for hours and still never scratch the surface of the subject. It’s a topic that every believer knows we need and yet something every believer struggles with. Join Steve in this message where we examine our lives so we can...

Aliens and Strangers

How easy it is for us to live in this world and blend right in. Many times we don’t even realize we are mixing our lives with all that surrounds us. We are called to be the ones who stand out. We are called to make a difference in this world. Join Steve in this...