September 2019 Devotions

It seems we always have something to do.  And most always that “something” pulls us away from our time with the Father. But what if you had something to dwell on to help keep your focus on Him?  A thought or two that can be in the back of your mind through...

August 2019 devotions

It seems we always have something to do.  And most always that “something” pulls us away from our time with the Father. But what if you had something to dwell on to help keep your focus on Him?  A thought or two that can be in the back of your...

July 2019 Devotions

It seems we always have something to do.  And most always that “something” pulls us away from our time with the Father. But what if you had something to dwell on to help keep your focus on Him?  A thought or two that can be in the back of your mind through...

June 2019 Devotions

It seems we always have something to do.  And most always that “something” pulls us away from our time with the Father. But what if you had something to dwell on to help keep your focus on Him?  A thought or two that can be in the back of your...

May 2019 Devotions

It seems we always have something to do.  And most always that “something” pulls us away from our time with the Father. But what if you had something to dwell on to help keep your focus on Him?  A thought or two that can be in the back of your mind through...

April 2019 Devotions

It seems we always have something to do.  And most always that “something” pulls us away from our time with the Father. But what if you had something to dwell on to help keep your focus on Him?  A thought or two that can be in the back of your mind through...

March 2019 Devotions

It seems we always have something to do.  And most always that “something” pulls us away from our time with the Father. But what if you had something to dwell on to help keep your focus on Him?  A thought or two that can be in the back of your...

February 2019 Devotions

It seems we always have something to do.  And most always that “something” pulls us away from our time with the Father. But what if you had something to dwell on to help keep your focus on Him?  A thought or two that can be in the back of your...