Sometimes we make things harder than they are and often miss the plain understanding. You may want to replay this teaching more than once to grasp the possibility Steve presents in this new understanding of the 70 weeks of Daniel in the prophetic timeline. Plus, he...
End of Days
A collection of teachings related to Biblical End Times.
World News Update 6-9-23
This is a short report that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 6-9-23.
The Coming First Fruits Resurrection – 2nd Edition
This short teaching offers some intriguing evidence as to why we should consider the First Fruits offering of Shavuot as a possible time for the Resurrection. Teachings referenced: The Birth Pains - The Prophetic Significance...
A Review of Messiah 2030
Messiah 2030 is a new video gaining popularity in the eschatology arena. In reviewing this growing popular video, Steve discusses how alternative years could be realized from the same scriptural patterns it reveals. Even if you’ve already seen Messiah 2030, you’ll...
As in the Days of Noah – 4th Edition
The English translations of the Bible speak of an idol of Jealousy found in the book of Ezekiel. How many times have we read right over it because it didn’t make sense to us? Well, this teaching shows there's more than meets the English eye in Ezekiel chapter 8.
World News Update 3-24-23
This is a short report that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 3-24-23. LInk:
The Last Daze
Are you concerned by the wide path of chaos in current world conditions? Step out from the Daze of the enemy and into the narrow path during these last days.
What is the Idol of Jealousy?
The English translations of the Bible speak of an idol of Jealousy found in the book of Ezekiel. How many times have we read right over it because it didn’t make sense to us? Well, this teaching shows there's more than meets the English eye in Ezekiel chapter 8.
World News Update 2-24-23
This is a short report that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 2-24-23.
World News Update 1-20-23
This is a short report that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 1-20-23. Noted Links: Chat GPT: Reuters -...
The Hour of Trial
[youtube id="XizA9g1FyfA"] Though we believe the first resurrection will take place before the tribulation, this doesn’t mean persecution isn’t coming. In fact, scripture speaks of a time when believers will be persecuted and even martyred for the Faith. Yet,...
World News Update 11-4-22
[youtube id="aXXzqi-SpgE"]This is a short report that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 11-4-22. Noted Links: ...
The Last Day of Sukkot
This newly updated article is a MUST read for all believers! We’ve all pondered when things could begin to play out for the end times. This article may help shed some light. The Last Day of Sukkot UPDATED 10-13-22
Before the Harvest
[youtube id="6e1YqAPauzk"] What does the word “Before” mean to you? More importantly, what does it mean to YHWH? In this short teaching we show how one word can change everything. Especially the word “Before." Links to referenced teachings: - The Day of Atonement in...
The Day of Atonement in Prophecy – Third Edition
[youtube id="rWDRgem3hFU"] When and how the end times will play out has been the quest of every prophecy student. This teaching offers some pieces of the puzzle that every student of the scriptures will want to examine. Take 35 minutes and consider some perspectives...
World News Update 6-24-22
[youtube id="-CcYO-8bDEw"]This is a short report that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 6-24-22. Noted Link:
The Two Witnesses and the Times of the End
[youtube id="2O76AI6hAG0"]For the first time ever, Steve discusses who the two witnesses could be. Plus, he shows how we may know when they could begin their time of ministry and what could precede that time. Other teachings referred to:Satan’s Greatest...
Images of Shavuot
[youtube id="XqSVgmKkvOc"] Spoken at a Shavuot gathering, Steve reveals how this Holy Day on YHWH’s calendar is referenced in the end times. Though the message is short, it’s one that leaves you thinking.
The Anti-Christ
[youtube id="f5uUO--U_oQ"]There are many different views and understandings concerning the Anti-Christ. This short teaching gives us a few things to consider on this often debated topic.
Beware of the Noahide Laws
[youtube id="Sl3GCpTB6Po"]While they may seem innocent and even good, the Noahide laws are being set up to be the rule of the Anti-christ. This rule will reach around the world and any Gentile who chooses to pursue Yeshua will find themselves breaking the law of the...
World News Update 5-13-22
[youtube id="dhU-uR4A-rY"]This is a short report that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 5-13-22.
As in the Days of Noah – 3rd Edition
[youtube id="35c9EbvDZhM"]The Days of Noah bear far more weight to understanding the return of Yeshua than many realize. This teaching digs deep into some eye-opening elements pointing to the timing of the flood and just what it means for the New Covenant. Other...
The Added 45 Days of the 1,335
If you enjoy studying end-time topics, we believe you may find this of interest. This short read looks into the added 45 days of the 1,335 days of Daniel 12. The Added 45 Days of the 1,335
The Coming Alien Invasion and Bible Prophecy
[youtube id="gYW_Tx1sog0"]Steve joins Gene Porter at the podcast of “2,730 Years and Counting” in an eye opening interview. This video shows how Bible prophecy could point to a coming “alien deception” and it may not be too long until it happens. Other teachings...
World News Update 4-1-22
[youtube id="IjOUaBEdoP0"]This is a short report that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 4-1-22.
When the Trees are Dry
[youtube id="4Xtn8p8IYd4"] There are multiple varying views regarding the return of Yeshua. This teaching addresses a statement Yeshua made when He was actually in the process of being crucified. A statement that may shed light to the possible timing of His return.
World News Update 1-21-22
[vimeo id="668848971"]This is a short report that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 1-21-22.
Come Out of Her My People
[youtube id="4OiOeQrLyxU"] A time is coming when Yeshua will call His people out. Will you be with those who go to meet Him? Other teachings referenced within this teaching: Church of Philadelphia...
Mark of Messiah vs. Mark of the Beast
[youtube id="YIhLqNR0xnM"] There’s been much speculation over the years as to what the mark of the beast will be. That topic has been kicked into high gear with the release of recent vaccines. Steve addresses this topic head on to give us elements to pray over as we...
Tribulation Vs. The Great Tribulation
[youtube id="4BRrMPZO27k"] Going through hard times is something Yeshua said we should expect in this life. But what’s the difference between tribulation and the Great Tribulation? Are there parallels between Moses and Yeshua pointing to how things could be cut short...
Prepare to Meet Your God
[youtube id="u1HqfSsXE8A"] We’ve all heard how history is cyclical. However, could Biblical history be playing out before our very eyes and we’re not even paying attention? If so, what could it mean for our future?
The Coming Deception
[youtube id="Tfk1z3JoOOs"]Yeshua said a time of deception is coming. It’s a deception so strong that even the elect would be deceived if it were possible. While theories abound as to what and how the deception plays out, the bigger question is, will you be deceived?
World News Update 8-20-21
[youtube id="xkK_MFlRgso"]This is a short report that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 8-20-21. Links referenced in this video: CNN Reporter: (1 min) Dr. Zelenko: (30 min)...
The Golden Calf and the End Times
[youtube id="8Sq4m5qWYQ0"]There are many parallels in the scriptures that relate to the end times. However, it’s hard to imagine one of those parallels being that of the golden calf. Steve reveals some interesting similarities with this event and brings up some...
The Church of Sardis
[youtube id="gEJ9Pfu3McY"] The Church of Sardis is one of those churches in Revelation that few seem to talk about. However, the lesson that's there for all of us to learn may be more valuable than we can imagine. Yeshua said this church had a reputation for being...
[youtube id="_QWJNeIG_W4"] Prophecy students, and teachers, around the world question how short the tribulation will be cut. This teaching not only presents a plausible case for it, but it shows how it was established through the Father of the Faith long ago. Link to...
World New Update 6-25-21
[youtube id="lu7q7JLODig"] This is a short report that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 6-25-21.
Covenant of Love
[youtube id="01L7ss4bkRI"] While many consider the law of YHWH to be bondage, the Scriptures inform us it's our way to love Him. That’s why they’re the foundation to the covenant under Moses and will be the same for the New Covenant. Both covenant’s are likened unto...
The Coming First Fruits Resurrection
[youtube id="6DNdZKZa34I"] When looking for patterns and cycles in the scriptures, there’s just so much to consider. This short teaching offers some intriguing evidence as to why we should consider First Fruits as a possible time for Yeshua’s return. Links for...
World News Update 4-23-2021
[youtube id="Z0d2OwfH4Ow"] This is a short report that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 4-23-21.
Understanding Winter or Sabbath
[youtube id="HltHLMwUIkA"] When it comes to studying the end times, Yeshua’s words about winter and the Sabbath may be some of the most difficult to understand. This short teaching takes a quick look at the various possibilities Yeshua could have meant when He gave us...
The 2nd Exodus
[youtube id="GmBplO-5ICY"] The 2nd exodus is rarely spoke of in some circles. However, it’s a topic of much debate in others. Regardless of your take on it, it’s a topic worth looking into.
World News Update 2-19-21
[youtube id="mLR_9-uYDW8"] This is a short message that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 2-19-21.
The 11th Month
[youtube id="mWJwIoi3tu8"] There’s seems to always be a different angle to view prophecy. A different perspective. A different understanding to consider. As we all do our best in seeking a better comprehension of the scriptures regarding prophecy, this short teaching...
World News Update 11-25-20
[youtube id="Fa-H9Mn_ESc"] This is a short message that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 11-25-20. NBC ABC...
Never Stop Asking, “What if?”
[youtube id="BUXt0HzzqsI"] Steve gives some quick thoughts at the TorahFamily Fellowship on how a video shared with him ties with some teachings he’s made in recent years. The bottom line is, never stop asking, “What if?"
My Dream
[youtube id="zR3o-CzbpPg"] In this presentation, Steve shares a dream he had during Sukkot of 2020 regarding the end times. He examines it with scripture to help connect a few more dots to the end-time puzzle.
Halloween and the Believer
[youtube id="GM1ghO0Syy8"] Should a believer observe Halloween? Where do the traditions of this day come from, and what do the scriptures instruct us regarding such things? Consider these questions with us, along with the possibility of how Halloween could play a role...
The Unbreakable Laws
[youtube id="vCVGy1Tymac"] If all of the Law can’t be followed, are people breaking the Law by trying to pursue it? Is the very act of trying to obey the Torah the same thing that’s condemning them? This is an argument many try to use, and this teaching addresses...
The Wheat and the Tares
[youtube id="ILikFLmrY1Y"] This parable has seemed to be a basic or even fundamental element to the faith. Here in this teaching we dig into how the parable of the wheat and the tares is rooted in the prophets regarding the Kingdom.
Trumpets 2020
[youtube id="GMG8wJ8eZ4k"] The Day of Trumpets has been a day many consider to be the time we should be looking for Yeshua’s return. This teaching gives a few more reasons to support that view.
The 400 of Abraham
[youtube id="ayATsM_y0Bk"] There are many differing and varying opinions on how the end times could play out. In this release, Steve visits Gene Porter from the Podcast “2,730 years and Counting.” Steve and Gene discuss a perspective that may have been overlooked...
Armageddon and the Parousia – Updated and Expanded
[youtube id="HlZJSoq-9Ik"] Many of us have had views on topics regarding prophecy that we believe to be solid and grounded in scripture. However, what if those views aren’t as solid as we thought? Looking at things in a different light can be challenging for us all....
World News Update 7-17-20
[youtube id="eCVQA-CJWns"] This is a short message that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 7-17-20.
The First Five Trumpets
[youtube id="oEltOiTH31A"] Many have believed the first four trumpets of Revelation are caused by events pertaining to asteroids or comets. However, we believe, and show in this teaching, how they can be fulfilled by natural events here on earth. Plus, many prophecy...
Watch and Pray
[youtube id="2wvzJoz8gE0"] When pondering the possibilities of Yeshua’s return, one can’t help but consider the four fasts that are turned to feasts. This teaching adds new insights and considerations to our teaching, “Watching for that Day.” It would be helpful to...
2nd Passover and the Coming Storm – Addendum
[youtube id="aCKV3m07zU8"] After watching our first teaching on this topic, many have seen just how important the 2nd Passover could be to the return of Yeshua. With these new insights to the subject, you’ll see all the more how 2nd Passover should truly be another...
Easter and the End Times
[youtube id="edBOjjAPnrA"] Easter Sunday is a day observed by believers all over the world. It’s a special day to celebrate and worship the Most High God. However, is this day accepted by YHWH? Have we ever stopped to ponder what He thinks of the traditions we use to...
World News Update 3-13-20
[youtube id="lgj_xl6tptM"] In light of events taking place around the world in recent weeks, we have a short message in response to the concerns of many people.
End Times Q&A
[youtube id="-yYGRQ3hRck"] When it comes to the topic of end times, there will always be differences for us to work out as we all learn and grow together. This is the End times Q&A session from the Isaiah 46:10 Conference held on March 1, 2020.
The 70 Years
[youtube id="ejrZSp19cZ4"] Why does YHWH get angry with His people? How long can His anger go before it turns to judgment? How or when does the span of seventy years fit into that equation?
The Birth Pains
[youtube id="hsi_tWEgeYs"] When it comes to discussing the end times, it seems one of the most common phrases brought up is “The birth pains.” However, what if the “birth pains” aren’t what you think they are. This brief teaching looks into Yeshua’s words when He...
The Winter Timeline
[youtube id="0XfyVB42IFg"] When it comes to studying the end times, there are just so many perspectives to keep in mind. As we all grow in our understanding of the scriptures, it’s always good to talk with others and see what our Heavenly Father could be showing them....
Afflict Yourself – The Day of Atonement
[youtube id="BJ_kmCx9STA"] Many opinions abound regarding what it means to “afflict yourself” for the Day of Atonement. However, if we saw the possible significance of how this day could be in line with the resurrection, would we do anything different? Would we not...
The One Year Tribulation and the Return of Yeshua
[youtube id="CRfMXNUlca8"] Many discussions surround the possibilities of how the end times will come to pass. This teaching is sure to spark new conversations that will take your study time to a whole new level.
The Prophetic Significance of Shavuot
[youtube id="H7tup2T4Q0k"] Most people know how Shavuot, Pentecost, is the day when the Holy Spirit came down in the 2nd chapter of Acts. Many know how that day is the anniversary of when YHWH entered into covenant with all 12 tribes of Israel in Exodus 24. Knowing...
2nd Passover and the Coming Storm
[youtube id="4ZTDA3UULbg"] 2nd Passover is often looked over as insignificant. However, this teaching will show how not only is that not the case, but it could be the time Yeshua comes for His bride. This teaching was recorded in Oregon and closes out with a Q&A...
Hanukkah, Purim, and the End Times
[youtube id="Q_zG-X5v9QA"] While celebrating Hanukkah and Purim has become a topic of discussion for some, there is little debating their potential significance when it comes to prophecy. Steve digs deep on some points of contention to some traditional customs held by...
Many have questioned why we have changed our position from believing in a post-tribulation resurrection to a pretribulation resurrection. In efforts to help others see our understanding on this topic, we have written this article. We pray it helps. ...
The Bridegroom Cometh!
[youtube id="2vEI32cjiEM"] Most everyone who is trying to walk after the ways of our savior will tell you how they long to hear the announcement of His return for His bride. That will truly be a joyous day. If you are longing for that day, as we’re sure you are, this...
Watching for that Day
If you’ve ever had any interest in studying the end times, this is a teaching you don’t want to pass up. Steve presents an understanding regarding Yeshua’s return that has simply been overlooked until now. However, both the Old and New Testaments speak of it. This 25...
The Assyrian
[youtube id="NhPhNned57A"] The view of the Anti-Messiah being Islamic has grown in popularity over the last decade. However, what if that view is only setting up the foundation for the real Anti-Messiah to be accepted as the Messiah? Join Steve as he looks at the...
Evil People
[youtube id="9sfgpQ0lIdc"] There are many opinions on what or who evil people are. But how often have we looked into the Biblical definition to see how YHWH defines them? This teaching may change your understanding of just who "evil people" are.
Worthy to be Persecuted
[youtube id="v8sQi7qxosA"] How often have you heard the topic of persecution being taught on these days? If you faced persecution for your faith like that which the believers did in the Scriptures, would you remain faithful? Steve digs into the topic that is scarcely...
No More Delay
The following PDF is an outline of a possible scenario in how things could play out in the end times. Though this timeline is noted with specified timing, the goal is to consider how something of this nature could play out in any year. May we all learn and glean from...
The Return of the Tent
[youtube id="4c9ZDuT1EEE"] Many are looking for another temple to be made. However, what if it’s not a stone temple but rather the tent of meeting that is to be set up in the end times? Join Steve as he examines this interesting perspective. Plus, Steve looks at the...
Knowing the Day
So many are quick to say we can't know the day when Yeshua returns. Several scriptures are used to defend this understanding. However, what if that understanding isn't correct? What if our Messiah's words have been misunderstood? This article will shed some light on...
The Church of Philadelphia (Remastered) + NEW Content
[youtube id="rJqqlFdjfBc"] If the topic of the church of Philadelphia has ever interested you, then this teaching is for you. The Church of Philadelphia is probably the most talked about of the seven churches in Revelation. Much could be discussed regarding this body...
Signs in the Heavens?
[youtube id="ybkcspzmKpA"] Many have been talking about the eclipse of August 21 and the constellation of Virgo with September 23. There are those who have been declaring warnings. There are those who completely dismiss them altogether in an almost mocking fashion....
Declaring the End from the Beginning
[youtube id="vTNo4H2W1ik"] In this teaching, Steve gives a general overview in explaining how the Tribulation may actually only last 6 months. Snickering? Listen to Steve's presentation and you will see it truly has Biblical support to be considered. While addressing...