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March 2
Hello and thanks for joining in on to today’s daily devotion. Today is Wednesday. March 2nd. The 4th day of the Hebraic week.
Our verse today is Titus 3:10,11.
Yesterday we discussed verse 9 of this chapter that told us to avoid foolish controversies and arguments. Here we are told what to do if you see someone who is trying to be divisive. Meaning, someone who is actually starting foolish controversies and arguments.
This is not someone who is just bringing new topics to the table for the body to discuss and consider. Neither is it someone who is just presenting their view on a particular topic. This is someone who appears to be forcing their opinion on others. Someone who is willing to argue their point to convince others that they are right. Someone who is not willing to agree to disagree on topics that may seem important to them but maybe not others.
It’s OK to be passionate on a topic. But don’t be aggressive. Don’t be forceful. It’s OK if others don’t agree with you. If they don’t agree with you, don’t be condescending. Remember, odds are, you didn’t always believe this way either. Just be patient and pray for those who may not agree with you.
Now, if we see someone acting this way, this verse informs us of what is best for us to do. First, we are told to warn the person. If they persist in their arguing, we are told to warn them a second time. If they continue, avoid them. Simple as that.
Now the question is this, do you know someone you should warn. Or better yet, should someone be warning you?
Let this be a focus in your time of meditation throughout the day. Until tomorrow, shalom!