Nov / 2020 | End of Days, Fellowship gatherings, Steve's Teachings
Steve gives some quick thoughts at the TorahFamily Fellowship on how a video shared with him ties with some teachings he’s made in recent years. The bottom line is, never stop asking, “What if?” ...
Oct / 2020 | Feast Days, Fellowship gatherings, Steve's Teachings
Sometimes life can seem overwhelming. Sometimes life can seem too much to try and get things “right,” as we place expectations on ourselves that are truly out of reach. Those are the times when we need to stop and realize we should take life one day at a time. One...
Feb / 2020 | Fellowship gatherings, Steve's Teachings
Distractions come in all shapes and sizes. They can happen in the most inconvenient of times, and they may not always be from the enemy. How focused are you? Are you determined to stay the...
May / 2019 | Fellowship gatherings, Steve's Teachings
Prayer is a topic that could be ministered on for hours and still never scratch the surface of the subject. It’s a topic that every believer knows we need and yet something every believer struggles with. Join Steve in this message where we examine our lives so we can...
May / 2019 | Fellowship gatherings, Steve's Teachings
How easy it is for us to live in this world and blend right in. Many times we don’t even realize we are mixing our lives with all that surrounds us. We are called to be the ones who stand out. We are called to make a difference in this world. Join Steve in this...
May / 2019 | End of Days, Feast Days, Fellowship gatherings, Steve's Teachings
2nd Passover is often looked over as insignificant. However, this teaching will show how not only is that not the case, but it could be the time Yeshua comes for His bride. This teaching was recorded in Oregon and closes out with a Q&A at the end. ...
Mar / 2019 | Fellowship gatherings, Steve's Teachings
Pride is a powerful force. It can creep into one’s life ever so gently and disguise itself in so many ways. If left undetected and truthfully acknowledged, it will steal the life and blessings right out from under you. Join Steve in this message to examine our...
Mar / 2019 | Fellowship gatherings, Steve's Teachings
Steve presents a message at an assembly on how going through hard times is never fun. However, they are needed far more than what we want to admit. They form and shape us and are allowed into our lives by the Father for our good and His glory in this...