Jun / 2023 | Feast Days, Fellowship gatherings, Steve's Teachings
Steve presents a short, but critical message on the importance of coming together as one in our Messiah. Delivered at the TorahFamily Shavuot gathering. ...
Oct / 2022 | Feast Days, Fellowship gatherings, Steve's Teachings
In this short message from our Sukkot of 2022, Steve addresses how we should live our lives in overcoming the pressures of the world we live...
Jun / 2022 | End of Days, Fellowship gatherings, Live Teachings, Steve's Teachings
Spoken at a Shavuot gathering, Steve reveals how this Holy Day on YHWH’s calendar is referenced in the end times. Though the message is short, it’s one that leaves you...
Jun / 2022 | Faith Foundations, Fellowship gatherings, Off the Cuff, Steve's Teachings
We were delighted to have Pamela Laurion join our fellowship for this awesome presentation. She shares many of the findings from the research team she was a part of at the original Mt. Sinai. We thoroughly enjoyed and we know you will...
Nov / 2021 | Fellowship gatherings, Steve's Teachings
We all long to see YHWH move in our life. However, He may be waiting on us before He actually does. Humbling ourselves is always the first step in the right...
Nov / 2021 | End of Days, Feast Days, Fellowship gatherings, Steve's Teachings
There’s been much speculation over the years as to what the mark of the beast will be. That topic has been kicked into high gear with the release of recent vaccines. Steve addresses this topic head on to give us elements to pray over as we all continue to seek...
Oct / 2021 | End of Days, Feast Days, Fellowship gatherings, Steve's Teachings
Going through hard times is something Yeshua said we should expect in this life. But what’s the difference between tribulation and the Great Tribulation? Are there parallels between Moses and Yeshua pointing to how things could be cut short in the end times but...
Jan / 2021 | End of Days, Fellowship gatherings, Steve's Teachings
There’s seems to always be a different angle to view prophecy. A different perspective. A different understanding to consider. As we all do our best in seeking a better comprehension of the scriptures regarding prophecy, this short teaching offers a few patterns...